1220 Buena Vista St. #1 San Antonio, TX 78207
A registered sex offender who could have received an automatic life sentence if convicted this week of a new child molestation allegation was acquitted Friday.
Jurors in the 175th state district court returned the not guilty verdict for Eduardo Balderas after only 90 minutes of deliberations.
Many innocent people face allegations of some type every single day. If you find yourself being questioned by the police SHUT-UP & ask for your lawyer. My office is open 24 hours a day & I probably know the officer questioning you!
Un delincuente sexual registrado que podría haber recibido una perpetua automática si condenado esta semana de un nuevo allegtion de abusos deshonestos de niño fue absuelto el viernes.
Jurados en el Tribunal de distrito de estado 175 regresaron el veredicto de no culpabilidad por Eduardo Balderas después de sólo 90 minutos de deliberaciones.
Muchas personas inocentes enfrentan a acusaciones de algún tipo cada día. Si encuentras siendo interrogado por la policía SHUT UP & piden su abogado. Mi Oficina está abierto 24 horas al día y sé que probablemente el funcionario interrogatorio le!
Joseph Aguilera Law Office
Offers a no-risk, free consultation, and evening and weekend appointments. Contact us at (210)227-6425 or use the contact us form if our office is closed or you cant talk on the phone. I can help prevent charges from negatively affecting your life.
Law Office of Joseph "Mick" Aguilera
I understand how important and how urgent your legal need is. My commitment to service includes responding promptly and thoroughly to your inquiry. Do not hesitate to contact The Law Office of Joseph “Mick” Aguilera by telephone, email, or by filling out the short form below. I am happy to take the time to answer your questions and discuss how I can protect you. Most legal problems get worse if they are ignored. Contact me today for your free consultation & so I can begin to go to work for you.
Contact Information
Address: 1220 Buena Vista St. #1 San Antonio, Tx 78207
Phone: (210) 227-6425
Email: Click Here
Fax: (210) 227-6427
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