1220 Buena Vista St. #1 San Antonio, TX 78207
Sec. 42.02. RIOT. (a) For the purpose of this section, “riot” means the assemblage of seven or more persons resulting in conduct which:
(1) creates an immediate danger of damage to property or injury to persons;
(2) substantially obstructs law enforcement or other governmental functions or services; or
(3) by force, threat of force, or physical action deprives any person of a legal right or disturbs any person in the enjoyment of a legal right.
(b) A person commits an offense if he knowingly participates in a riot.
(c) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the assembly was at first lawful and when one of those assembled manifested an intent to engage in conduct enumerated in Subsection (a), the actor retired from the assembly.
(d) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that another who was a party to the riot has been acquitted, has not been arrested, prosecuted, or convicted, has been convicted of a different offense or of a different type or class of offense, or is immune from prosecution.
(f) An offense under this section is an offense of the same classification as any offense of a higher grade committed by anyone engaged in the riot if the offense was:
(1) in the furtherance of the purpose of the assembly; or
(2) an offense which should have been anticipated as a result of the assembly.
Hesitating to hire a San Antonio Criminal Attorney after your arrest will land you in jail for many years.
S 42.02. RIOT. (a) de esta sección, “riot” significa el ensamblaje de siete o más personas, lo que resulta en conducta que:
(1) crea un peligro inmediato de daños materiales o lesiones a las personas;
(2) sustancialmente obstaculiza la aplicación de la ley o otras funciones o servicios; o
(3) por la fuerza, amenaza de la fuerza o acción física priva a cualquier persona de derecho legal o molesta a cualquier persona en el ejercicio de un derecho legal.
(b) una persona comete un delito si participa conscientemente en un motín.
(c) es una defensa a enjuiciamiento en virtud de esta sección que la Asamblea fue al principio legal y cuando uno de los ensamblados manifiesta la intención de participar en conducta enumerado en la subsección (a), el actor se retiró de la Asamblea.
(d) no es defensa a enjuiciamiento en virtud de esta sección que otra que sea parte en la revuelta ha sido absuelto, ha no se ha detenido, procesado o condenado, ha sido condenada por un delito diferente o de otro tipo o clase de ofensa o es inmune a la Fiscalía.
(e) salvo lo dispuesto en el párrafo (f), un delito en virtud de esta sección es un delito menor de clase B.
(f) un delito en virtud de esta sección es una ofensa de la misma clasificación como cualquier ofensa de un mayor grado cometido por cualquier persona a los disturbios si la ofensa fue:
(1) en el cumplimiento del propósito de la Asamblea; o
(2) una ofensa que debería haber previsto por la Asamblea.
Joseph Aguilera Law Office
Offers a no-risk, free consultation, and evening and weekend appointments. Contact us at (210)227-6425 or use the contact us form if our office is closed or you cant talk on the phone. I can help prevent charges from negatively affecting your life.
Law Office of Joseph "Mick" Aguilera
I understand how important and how urgent your legal need is. My commitment to service includes responding promptly and thoroughly to your inquiry. Do not hesitate to contact The Law Office of Joseph “Mick” Aguilera by telephone, email, or by filling out the short form below. I am happy to take the time to answer your questions and discuss how I can protect you. Most legal problems get worse if they are ignored. Contact me today for your free consultation & so I can begin to go to work for you.
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Address: 1220 Buena Vista St. #1 San Antonio, Tx 78207
Phone: (210) 227-6425
Email: Click Here
Fax: (210) 227-6427
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